by admin | Apr 29, 2010 | Art 2010, Graffiti, Model & Celebrity Backdrops
This wall was created by DELVE ,Will Kasso & Leon Rainbow We decided to do a tribute wall for Guru of the hip hop duo, GANGSTARR. Guru passed away recently due to a battle with...
by admin | Apr 21, 2010 | 2010, Murals
This wall is on the side of T & T Auto, Pennington and Prospect St in Trenton, NJ. The wall has always been some what controversial with the Neighbors, but the owner Cliff always had my back. It definitely did not help that the last two walls, although both had...
by admin | Apr 16, 2010 | Art 2010, Murals, Videos
Liquitex was out at TerraCycle in Trenton, NJ to help paint a mural on their property with artists Will Kasso Condry, Leon Rainbow, and Mike Ciccotello of ALBUS CAVUS. The mural uses Liquitex Soft Body and New! Liquitex free•style Brushes and is is 23 wide x 8 high....
by admin | Apr 16, 2010 | 2010, Commercial, Murals
I originally painted the piece on the bottom based on a Spanish landscape painting for my friend Anne in 2003. She had problems with kids running through her alley and tagging her garage door. The piece ran for many years without any issues until about 6 months ago...
by admin | Mar 14, 2010 | Art, Videos
This is a cool video put together by sueworks.
by admin | Feb 25, 2010 | 2010, Murals
Come watch Trenton’s famous graffiti muralist LEON RAINBOW* in action, as he works his magic and creates a canvas live at decked skateshop. While you’re at it enjoy food, drinks and great deals on our new Spring merchandise. February 28th, 2010 Store opens...