by admin | Apr 19, 2010 | 2010
CLICK HERE TO SEE MY PROFILE ART + WINE + ATMOSPHERE 6:30pm – 9:30pm Technology Center of Princeton, 330 Carter Road, Princeton Approximately 500 guests are expected to attend Pinot to Picasso ~ Vintage 2010. The festivities include “The Best Tastes of...
by admin | Apr 16, 2010 | Art 2010, Murals, Videos
Liquitex was out at TerraCycle in Trenton, NJ to help paint a mural on their property with artists Will Kasso Condry, Leon Rainbow, and Mike Ciccotello of ALBUS CAVUS. The mural uses Liquitex Soft Body and New! Liquitex free•style Brushes and is is 23 wide x 8 high....
by admin | Apr 16, 2010 | Freestyle Friday
This week I had the basic sketch when I went to see my friend Anne to talk about re-painting her garage door. I wound up using the basic layout for the mural at the bottom of the page. Anne’s Garage...
by admin | Apr 16, 2010 | 2010, Commercial, Murals
I originally painted the piece on the bottom based on a Spanish landscape painting for my friend Anne in 2003. She had problems with kids running through her alley and tagging her garage door. The piece ran for many years without any issues until about 6 months ago...
by admin | Apr 9, 2010 | Freestyle Friday
I wanted to have a female character in this one. Everything is rocked off the dome..