Freestyle Fridays Week #35

This week I sketched out some ideas I had for a create and destroy wall. This piece is focused on create.  I unified the letters for create with the background and vise versa. I used water colors and water colorpencils for the next step. To finish it off I tightened...

Freestyle Fridays Week #34

This weeks Freestyle Friday is just the way that I work out concepts and letter styles. I work out a lot of designs and structures at the wall on site. But working out some of the ideas and treatments before hand lets me get a clearer picture and also gives me...
Featured On CNN

Featured On CNN

Jersey Fresh Graffiti Jam Featured On CNN “Business Owner Encourages Graffiti” Click Here To See The Video You’ve seen graffiti on subway cars and roadways, but is it art? One New Jersey businessman thinks...